2014年5月19日 星期一

Mind In Everything

This year, there is a great activityNational Intercollegiate Athletic Games 2014held in our university. It is our honor to our school because we get twice the right to host and on the other hand, we can promote and fix our school where broken places and things as well. Our gymnasium, for example, many maintenance staff appears in order to repair our lights which are as high as roof. Not only them, but also teachers are also very hard to prepare everything beforehand by meetings in one day.

On day, the teacher asked me whether to help them as volunteer, and I thought I was available on Saturday, so I accepted this requested with my friend. That day came finally. We woke up early and went there. We started to put the note, name tag, and so on in the bags, which are one hundred and fifty bags totally. In the afternoon, the bustiest moment was coming. In the international conference hall was occupied with teachers, athletes and referees. I was busy with giving bags for them and replied to their answers. However, one of them was very mad at us, for we did not allow them to bring any drink, except for water, into the conference and also we did not offer any bottle of water to him, in the result, they bore thirsty in this hot day. I thought this was our carelessness, but my friend and I felt innocent because we knew nothing at all, even we just serviced one day. In despite of innocence, I also showed my kind attitude to tell him where the water dispenser was; what was worst, he just glanced at me with sardonic laugh and went away. My friend and I felt mad, too, but we had to service other people, and we changed our mood and our face with smile to help.

When time flied away quickly, our work had done already. We felt our feet ached and tired, but we learned many things and happily to help apart from that event. I considered that as an experiment and learned from it, so I changed my mind. I want to look the bright side in any difficulties and encourage myself all the time, making me fill with strength to face any annoying problem in my future.

2014年4月24日 星期四

Korean drama

From last month, my roommates and I have been obsessed by Korean dramas, you whom came from the stars (來自星星的你), the heirs(繼承者們) are to be specific. Above of these dramas are kind of love story purely.

 However, I have watched a drama is too horrible to watch lonely. Furthermore, when we watch this series, we always shout with fear and get one book or one paper on hand in order to cover some fearful frames. It names- Master’s sun” (主君的太陽)

Due to the actress who has an ability to see the ghost, there are a lot of ghost stories in this drama. Although I just watched the third episode, I found there are some pity stories about ghost who were alive, in spite of astonishment of their appearance. Think of this way, I am not so afraid than before.

On the other hand, I compliment on actress, because of her bravery. She knows that she has this special capability, but she does not fall back everything, and she even gives a helping hand to deliver messages or exposed the truth of case.

I always think if I were her, had I could do the same thing like her? I do not think so; what’s worse, I might stay in the asylum, maybe.

However, I will thank my roommates, because they spend their time on watching the drama in order to accompany with me.

2014年3月24日 星期一


These days, I read a story, which talked about how to reach someone’s goal, from the magazine, and it gave me deeply impression. At the first time, I thought how long the story was, and I did not want to read it by virtue of impatience. However, when I read it for one page, I continued to read, instead of stop. One of the words he said gave me a great inspiration, “If something is nobody want to do it, it will be a great chance to me.” I thought we should not be afraid of doing things which are more difficult than others; maybe this obstacle is your turning point in your life.

He, who is the character in this story, was allotted to go many different countries where included laggard and advanced. Although he did not adapt anything, no matter what culture, live, and so on, he spend a lot of time on communicating with his employees and discussing how to resolve present problems. After struggling, he succeeded, even when he went back, his employees cried.

It also substantiated “No pain, no gain” this proverb. I started to think about myself, what do I want and do I really pursue my goal to endeavor. No matter how late I know, I won’t miss this chance to think, to do and to change!

2014年2月25日 星期二


The beginning of this semester, I have gone to library all the time if I would not have the classes or my leisure time. That movement is very different from the last semester, because I always preferred staying at dormitory to going outside in last semester.

 I think I might be influenced by my mother and this is a habit after the winter vacation. In the winner vacation, I usually borrowed the novels from the library with my mother and I would read it before sleeping. I started to know library is a good place to make me relaxed; on the other hand, there is so quite that I can think more and learn more, without being disturbing.

I often read novels which are written by Jane Austen, including Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility, which has not read yet.

When I started to read Pride and Prejudice this book, I felt I would be repetition of reading without being tired. I got surprised, really, because I had never wanted to read that kind of novels. So, I really perceive no matter what kinds of book and you have to read them once. If you do not read, you won’t know whether you like them or not.

2014年2月9日 星期日


School will be starting soon.

Well, I do not enjoy to my heart’s content yet, actually. I always feel that I seemed to start to take winter vacation; however, I don’t realize that time always flies quickly when I did lots of trifles to waste time. Time is a valuable and precious thing; furthermore, once it passes by, it will never come back again. Now, I already know time of importance and I will learn how to control my time in the new semester which is coming soon.

2014年2月4日 星期二

everything new

  Happy Chinese New Year~

I had a great time in New Year because 
I went to many places with my parents and 
met many friends and relatives, especially 
my nephews and nieces who were so cute. 
On this new day, I wish I have a good year and
 to experience new activities to enrich my life and 
read more and more books which are in library 
no matter which version they are (English or Chinese)  
In sum, I wish I will grow more mature than before.    

2014年1月29日 星期三

amazing power

Last Saturday, I cleaned my bedroom and I threw many things, which have deep meaningful for me, including productions which had been made of clay, books which were kind of fairy tale, CDs, which were attached to books, were about English, and so on. Those things are not only productions, but also a period of memory for me. I spent a great deal of time on cleaning.

On the same day night, I saw many cards which are about birthday, holiday or encourage me by accident and I was so happy that I saw all cards again and again. After seeing cards, I felt I was glad and I found there was a same thing happened as well. That seemed that I had bravery to challenge any difficulties in the future. I was so surprised about that and I did not know why. So, I told myself if I felt sad or missed my friends, I will see those cards again. That will make me plenty of courage and feel I was surrounded by them and sense the warmth.