2013年11月24日 星期日

Thank you very much

In your life, you must have a lot of people who you want to appreciate, for example, your family, your friends and so on. Because they are so close with you that you will think them at first time. However, there are some people who you hate, but I want to thank. They hurt you instead of supporting you. They make you feel moody, sorrowful, or even irate. You have never thought to show your gratitude to them; nevertheless, you can try to think things from another side. Although they make you are in the difficult situation, you depend on your wisdom and your friends’ help to solve it. You get these experiences and capabilities. All of these are given by them. What’s better, there are free!

So, I am grateful to people who ever hurt or blame me. Because of them, I become more mature and deal with difficulties steady. Furthermore, some people get on us in order to hope us not to do the same mistakes they ever did.

In sum, no matter how are they either picky with me on purpose or hope I to get better by blaming, I always think they are so sweet that they are willing to spend time on me. After all, I don’t lose something. Instead, I can learn more things only if I think things from the other side.  

1 則留言:

  1. It's very touching to see your article. Sometime we may get hurt from those blame, but it doesn't mean we should be sad about it . Instead it can help us to grow, and becoming better and better.
