2013年11月19日 星期二


This is one of my favorite cartoons. Led by Luffy who is captain, and the members include Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook.

They believe each other extraordinarily and they think there is nothing but the importance of friends. They also consider no matter how strong or weak capabilities their partners are, each member have his/her distinctive features, such as, funny, stupid and so on.

Owing to achieving their own dream, they got on the boat of pirate. No matter how difficult or dangerous they encountered, they never say give up. Instead, they went through every plight together and went toward the dream.

In this story, there are many episodes with joy and tears. I learn many things from it. For example, when I face the dilemma, I will be brave to solve it. And then, as you feel sad or wronged, you don’t need to bear them by yourself, for you have friends. You can tell them and they will help you and give some good ideas.

To my surprised, they treat everything with deeply affection just like it is alive. When they burned their boat, they cried sadly and sorrowfully. That scene touched my heart deeply, because they have many experiences with the boat.
The story is unfinished, their adventure will be continued.

4 則留言:

  1. "one piece" again = =
    Chopper is cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Well.... hope you can learn the true meaning of friendship from this cartoon
    and treat me better hahaha ^O^
    a message from your evil friend love u

    1. what's the problem about i treat you? i think i treat you so well~

  2. I love this cartoon as well. I cried for the story of one piece many times. what a touching story!!!! By the way my boyfriend always images he is Luffy...............= ="

    1. Luffy? he cant destroy the image of Luffy~ Luffy is so handsome!!!
