2014年2月25日 星期二


The beginning of this semester, I have gone to library all the time if I would not have the classes or my leisure time. That movement is very different from the last semester, because I always preferred staying at dormitory to going outside in last semester.

 I think I might be influenced by my mother and this is a habit after the winter vacation. In the winner vacation, I usually borrowed the novels from the library with my mother and I would read it before sleeping. I started to know library is a good place to make me relaxed; on the other hand, there is so quite that I can think more and learn more, without being disturbing.

I often read novels which are written by Jane Austen, including Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility, which has not read yet.

When I started to read Pride and Prejudice this book, I felt I would be repetition of reading without being tired. I got surprised, really, because I had never wanted to read that kind of novels. So, I really perceive no matter what kinds of book and you have to read them once. If you do not read, you won’t know whether you like them or not.

2014年2月9日 星期日


School will be starting soon.

Well, I do not enjoy to my heart’s content yet, actually. I always feel that I seemed to start to take winter vacation; however, I don’t realize that time always flies quickly when I did lots of trifles to waste time. Time is a valuable and precious thing; furthermore, once it passes by, it will never come back again. Now, I already know time of importance and I will learn how to control my time in the new semester which is coming soon.

2014年2月4日 星期二

everything new

  Happy Chinese New Year~

I had a great time in New Year because 
I went to many places with my parents and 
met many friends and relatives, especially 
my nephews and nieces who were so cute. 
On this new day, I wish I have a good year and
 to experience new activities to enrich my life and 
read more and more books which are in library 
no matter which version they are (English or Chinese)  
In sum, I wish I will grow more mature than before.